Although the title of my first book prominently calls out a “Global Disaster”, referring to Dilbeck’s attempt to form a third Major League, this man was really a hero in many ways. I may have been a little harsh in my book’s title, but any objective observer would say things did not go well in that venture. Lest we forget, he was a genuine war hero in WWII, and supported troops steadfastly in every possible way. As Veteran’s Day approaches, I’ll recognize him here.
In June of 1970 Pvt Michael A. Schwartz, 21, was convicted on 12 of 16 counts of murdering Vietnamese women and children in Son Than. This was part of a story that began with Mi Lai and the saga of Lt. William Calley. When Pfc. Thomas R. Boyd heard the verdict, he burst into tears. Boyd was scheduled to go on trial the next day for similar offenses. Boyd was from Evansville. Little known and little remembered is that Walter Dilbeck helped Boyd hire an attorney, Howard Trockman, also of Evansville. Dilbeck also raised money for Boyd’s defense and testified on his behalf. Dilbeck had made several trips to Vietnam over the years, at his own expense.
Boyd was found innocent two days later. There were atrocities by others, but not by Boyd. Walter Dilbeck was there for him.
Back to baseball. Here are a few things that didn’t make the book (but should have).
Dilbeck was a staunch supporter of my favorite Evansville White Sox. Here is an ad he put in the 1967 Esox opening day program.

Evansville Press artist Larry Hill was a self-trained member of the paper’s staff from 1954 to 1971, when he died of cancer at the age of 45. Hill is credited with creating the first version of University of Evansville’s mascot, Ace Purple. Below is one of my favorite Hill works, depicting the Dilbeck fight for a third Major League.

And finally, a picture of Dilbeck in a New York Titans uniform appeared in a Press story many years after the Global League failed. The Titans actually played a few games in the Global League.

A baseball man and patriot to the end. Props to Walter Dilbeck.
Look for more about the Global League in coming weeks and months.
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